Great news, Nala’s pups arrived yesterday – 3 girls & 3 boy Rhodesian Ridgeback Puppies. A very timely arrival as it was also my birthday – Nala is such a beautiful dog always wanting to please 🙂
Anyway I have posted some pictuyres here for you all to see and as you may tell, they were not delivered at home. Some weeks ago I took the decision to not whelp the litter myself and instead OI would hand that responsibility back to Jackie Ellis of Zejak Rhodesian Ridgebacks, from whom both my dogs have come from.
It was an easy decision to take as my work commitments had changed and it was unfair to take such a huge responcibility blindly. Jackie kindly offered to help out, so the choice was simplified knowing that this was the best possible scenario for mother and pups.
So I had a call late Wednesday evening that things were happening and I went to bed setting the alarm clock for 4 a.m. It was lovely to be there, to see several born and to again learn from a great breeder a little more of whats involved in the good animal husbandry.
Hope you enjoy the pics, they are cute if I say so myself!!!